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After nine years of conflict, the needs in Yemen remain immense. Over half of the country's population, 18.2 million people, require some form of humanitarian assistance in 2024, with recent regional conflict dynamics escalating risks.

Among the 4.56 million displaced in Yemen, women and children constitute an estimated 80 per cent. More than 6.36 million women and girls face increased risks of various types of violence, including harmful practices. Insufficient access to comprehensive services for gender-based violence compounds the issue, with rural areas lacking such services by 90 per cent.

An estimated 17.8 million individuals require healthcare assistance in 2024. Among them, 5.5 million women of reproductive age face challenges in accessing reproductive health services; while 2.7 million pregnant and breastfeeding women are projected to require treatment for acute malnutrition. Only one out of five functioning facilities offers maternal and child health services, highlighting the urgent need for increased healthcare capacity.

A surge in the incidence of acute watery diaharrea and cholera, with more than 18,600 cases and 109 related deaths has been reported since March 2024 in 18 of the 22 governorates. UNFPA’s rapid response and reproductive health teams are working closely with health partners in the response, helping to address the needs in particular of pregnant women, who are at increased risk.

In 2024, UNFPA aims to raise US$70 million to maintain its critical support for women and girls. UNFPA’s appeal is currently funded at 37 per cent.

Since the beginning of the year, UNFPA's response reached over 350,000 individuals with life-saving reproductive healthcare, protection information and services and emergency relief, with support to 103 health facilities, 36 safe spaces, eight shelters and seven specialized mental health centres.