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GBV Sub-cluster: Preventing Gender-based Violence & Strengthening the Response - See more at: http://yemen.unfpa.org/publications/gbv-sub-cluster-preventing-gender-based-violence-strengthening-response

GBV Sub-cluster: Preventing Gender-based Violence & Strengthening the Response - See more at: http://yemen.unfpa.org/publications/gbv-sub-cluster-preventing-gender-based-violence-strengthening-response


GBV Sub-cluster


GBV Sub-cluster: Preventing Gender-based Violence & Strengthening the Response - See more at: http://yemen.unfpa.org/publications/gbv-sub-cluster-preventing-gender-based-violence-strengthening-response

Publication date

24 October 2016

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The protection and safety of vulnerable women, girls, men and boys is not optional. The prevention of gender-based violence is a critical life-saving intervention alongside shelter, food, water and medical care. Gender-based violence in Yemen is not a threat, but a reality that is entrenched in structural gender inequality, discriminatory norms, practices and powerlessness that exists in Yemen. It has been exacerbated by the current conflict, displacement and the humanitarian emergency. Despite the pervasive, devastating and life-threatening impact of GBV, it continues to remain unaddressed, and is not give due prioritization as part of life-saving interventions.