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March 2013 On International Women Day :Women issues discussed with Media

March 2013 On International Women Day :Women issues discussed with Media


March 2013 On International Women Day :Women issues discussed with Media

calendar_today 01 March 2013

March 2013_On the occasion of International Women Day, UNIC Sana’a with cooperation and support of UN Communication Group (UNCG) organized the 2nd luncheon meeting for Yemeni journalists who represented various media outlets. The theme of the meeting was to discuss women issues in Yemen and how to improve their status.  

UNFPA who led the discussion gave the floor for the journalists to point out the most important issues that affect women in Yemen and on which UN could work and focus. The vulnerability of women in rural areas was highly prioritized as the majority of Yemeni women live in rural areas depriving from accessing to basic services such as education and reproductive health services. Illiteracy, traditions and underrepresentation of women were also highlighted as pressing obstacles to gender equality in Yemen.

   In the event  a number of officials from the UN Resident Coordinator's  office and International Migration Org. talked in the event, where they focused on the importance of such gathering and meetings between Yemeni Journalists and  UN Communication group.  Before the conclusion a question & answer session was opened for the journalists.

The event was attended by UN officials representing: UNHCR, IOM, UN RC office, UNIC, IFAD and WFP and with participation of more than 28 Yemeni journalists. 

It is worthy to mention that UNCG organizes regular monthly meetings with journalists as a platform for media to know about development and humanitarian work that UN does in Yemen.