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28 May 2019

A nightmare within a nightmare

As Maram's story unravels, the prevalence of different forms of violence often increases in times of crisis, as protection mechanisms break down... Read more

23 May 2019
Obstetric fistula survivors can seek free-of-charge treatment in one of the UNFPA-supported fistula units in Al-Thawrah Hospital or Al Shabeen Hospital in Sana’a or Al-Sadaka hospital in Aden. ©UNFPA Yemen

#BeWithHer: Ending Obstetric Fistula

Obstetric fistula is one of the most serious and tragic childbirth injuries. In Yemen, obstetric fistula is rising as the conflict intensifies. UNFPA... Read more

1 May 2019

Meet the Woman Protecting Women in Yemen

A survivor of child marriage now runs Yemen's first-ever security business for women.

22 April 2019

Strengthening the Reproductive Health Supply Chain in Yemen

UNFPA helped to launch the first-ever national reproductive health logistics information management system in Yemen.

17 April 2019

Better reporting on Obstetric Fistula

UNFPA trains media professionals to report and raise awareness on obstetric fistula, one of the most serious and tragic childbirth injuries.

15 April 2019

Skills for Youth on Peacebuilding

UNFPA helps to build the skills of young people to be advocates for youth, peace and security.

28 March 2019

Statement on the attacks on hospitals in Sa’ada and Taizz, Yemen

We are dismayed about the latest escalation of violence in Yemen, most recently the deadly incidence near the Kitaf rural hospital in Sa’ada... Read more

19 March 2019

Logistic Information Management System for South Yemen

UNFPA helps to establish a Logistics Information Management System for reproductive health commodities.

26 February 2019

A survivor, a mother, a midwife

Sahar survived a painful experience during the birth of her daughter. She was then determined to be part of the solution so other women in her... Read more

21 February 2019
A midwife cares for Mohsina's unexpected twins at Jardan Hospital. ©FMF

In world’s worst humanitarian crisis, the miracle of a safe birth

Over a million pregnant women and new mothers require urgent aid in Yemen, the site of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.
