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Monthly Situation Report #01 – January 2017

Monthly Situation Report #01 – January 2017


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Monthly Situation Report #01 – January 2017

Publication date

12 February 2017

Armed hostilities have increased substantially along Yemen’s western coast in recent weeks, including fierce fighting in the districts of Dhubab and Al Mukha in Taizz Governorate.

Partners estimate that more than 34,000 individuals have been forced to flee their homes across Taizz in search of safety and protection. About 60 per cent of recent Taizz IDPs have fled affected areas of Al Mukha and Al Dhubab districts, including most residents of Dhubab town and an estimated two-thirds of residents of Al Mukha town.

Many of the displaced were already vulnerable, with access to livelihoods in the area, especially fishing, severely affected by the conflict. For some, this is the second time they have been forced to flee their homes.

The UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, paid a visit to Yemen and reiterated his call on parties of the Yemeni conflict to put end to violence in order to ease suffering of civil population, highlighting the need for a truce to allow in humanitarian aid and move along the peace process.

The volatile political climate in Yemen, coupled with strict security measures continues to pose significant challenges in providing humanitarian assistance. This is more so given the sensitive nature of UNFPA’s mandate where release of contraceptives has involved months of advocacy efforts with government officials and national security authorities. 



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01 August 2017

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