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Monthly Situation Report #08 – August 2017

Monthly Situation Report #08 – August 2017


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Monthly Situation Report #08 – August 2017

Publication date

17 September 2017

Millions of Yemenis continue to face a triple tragedy from the spectre of famine, the world’s largest ever single-year cholera outbreak, and a brutal conflict. Seventeen million Yemenis do not know if or where they will get their next meal; nearly 7 million are facing the threat of famine; nearly 16 million lack access to water or sanitation; and 621,209 suspected cases of cholera have been reported in only the last four months, with the latest figure of 2,167 deaths. Among them are 2.2 million women and girls of reproductive age whose health is at risk and 1.1 million malnourished pregnant women.

In August, the Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (YHRP) was revised, seeking  $2.3 billion to reach 12 million people with a range of life-saving and protection services across the country. This figure represents a 13 per cent increase in financial requirements, which is primarily attributed to  requirements of the Integrated Cholera Response Plan. Altogether, funding requirements have increased by $271,127,909, of which $254,053,700 comes from the Integrated Cholera Integrated Response Plan.  As of 15 August, The revised YHRP has received 39% per cent funding - US$ 912.2 million out of $2.3 billion requested. Contributions to humanitarian funding outside the YHRP is at $ 406.2 million.

UNFPA's response in Yemen has so far  reached  nearly 1.5 million people with reproductive health and gender-based violence services.  

Eighty midwives  were trained during August, across four governorates to  strengthen their  knowledge and skills for improved  quality and timeliness in the provision of maternal healthcare in remote and conflict-affected governorates.

In raising awareness on gender-based violence, 26 theater plays were conducted across four governorates along with a television  series on prevention of gender-based violence.


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01 August 2017

"We possess nothing"
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